Yesterday I ran into two friends of mine at the market and out biking.
Both are my age but fat and unhealthy. One "friend" immediately tells me how fit I look, then goes off on this rant about how lucky I am to have all this leisure time on my hands. Later that day out biking the other guy stops me and starts talking about how he should join a health club and that maybe I could share my secret with him. Knowing what a lush he is, I suggested he quit drinking...and that ended the conversation.
They'll both die fat.
No thank you!
As for my secret, here it is...
1. Set a Goal , Make A Plan
Evaluate yourself objectivity, then research the best way to go from where you are to where you want to be.
It takes WORK!
You get nowhere without goals or the right path coupled with the motivation and desire to see it through. That's the secret...which is no damn secret at all.
2. Get Proper Sleep
When I was fat, my throat blubber would clog my breathing, and I was waking up 30 times per hour. I had what most fat people are plagued with: sleep apnea.
I used a CPAP to open my throat, and sleep became wonderful again. I felt energy all through the day and after a few weeks, my desire to be fit returned. Get your sleep!
3. Diet
I am not on any diet plan or supplements. I just eat real food defined simply as lean meats, fresh fruits and veggies, nuts, whole grains and raw dairy. Log in your food intake and balance it with exercise. Know how many calories you can eat to lose 1 pound per week - yes 1 [ONE] pound per week - NO MORE!
And eat clean...if man makes it, don't eat it. Simple...
I used the resources at My Fitness Pal - it's free; check it out. Train Cardio and Resistance
You need to structure an exercise program that trains your heart and lungs as well as your muscles.
Weight train and go jogging...or whatever. Find something you like and just do it, but remember: it's work!
Being fit means you may need to get off your ass when you'd rather lay around watching TV or cruising the internet.
That's it, so get to it. NO EXCUSES - success is a choice!