Thursday, August 28, 2014

Diet Free Day

I eat clean six days a week, and on day seven pig out on anything I want. 
Simple! Of course the egg-headed know-all's debate this endlessly, but I tried it to see for myself. It worked...DEBATE OVER! 

A free day in your week can help you reach your health and fitness goals. And this has benefits both physical, emotional and mental. Consider:

Physical Effects of FREE DAY

  • Increased Metabolism 
Shocking your body with a solid feeding has all sorts of benefits relating to revving up your engines. When we're in a state of calorie restriction, our bodies react by slowly down-regulating the affects of our efforts. It's a survival response. 

Emotional Effects of FREE DAY

And the psychology is simple as well. When I know I have less than six days to eat anything I desire, it helps motivate me to push away from the table on weight loss days. 


I have been doing this for 5 years with stellar results. It worked when I lost 90 lbs, and it has worked while I maintain weight and work to slowly cut body fat. Again, the egg-heads argue the virtues of a Free Day, but fuck 'em!

You need to try incorporating a free day into your routine and just see how things go. The hard part for me is shutting it down. I have set myself back turning a free day into a free week. BEWARE! At day's end being healthy and fit is 70% nutrition and 30% exercise, and that equals 100% effort on your part.

Peak health is earned; the government can't tax me to make you fit. You're either going to take action or not, and that's reality. You can evade this reality but not the consequences. Nature has a way of biting our ass when we step far from what's ideal. It's all up to you, so get to it! 


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Friends You Keep

I know you by the friends you keep.

You remember the expression "birds of a feather flock together"?  When it  comes to health and fitness, I have seen a complete turnover in my friend list. 

Our common interest used to be food and drink in addition to health issues. That's normal - right? A group of fat ass middle aged guys gather for pigs-in-a-blanket dipped in onion gravy washed down with a whiskey sour. Nothing wrong here...

Things have changed...and all of my old friends have just drifted away. When we see each other, it's always nice, and I love these guys, but we have little in common now. They're all fat and still on that road to nowhere. It's actually a good reminder of what I escaped. Our conversations usually end the same...

THEM: "We should get together for lunch and some drinks"
ME: "We should get together for some tennis or biking"

These are just two different worlds, and my former friends want no part of my transformed life and vice versa.
Once I made room in my life, fresh acquaintances emerged, because nature abhors a vacuum. All of my new friends are health and fitness oriented, and every social gathering is in some way connected to physical exercise.

Don't fear that you'll lose friends. Remember, until certain doors are closed, new doors can't open.
Birds of a feather flock together...


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Striving Toward Your Ideal

Are you the best version of yourself? 
If not, answer for yourself: have I done my part?
Here are some considerations to revolve as you strive toward your own personal health and fitness ideal.

Reasonable Goals

Nature does not care about your intentions or platitudes. Nature just is. Our genes determine likely outcomes, but setting goals outside genetic potential is a fast prescription to misery. Be realistic with yourself.

Genes determine our body type in terms of skeletal structure, muscle mass  and girth. You should be objective about this and set goals that are attainable given your true potential. Stop comparing yourself to some roided up lunk or a celeb you worship. These dolts are on drugs, and that's more about the man in the mirror - not health and wellness.
  Nobody needs illicit drugs to become their best. Take a hard look at yourself and those in your family. When you set goals, keep your genetics in mind. If you set your ideal beyond reach, you'll most likely lose motivation and give up.

Hard Work

 This should be a no-brainer, but people are still too daft to get it.
To become the best version of yourself means you must get off your ass, work hard and smart. That means eating clean, performing both cardio, flexibility and strength training while tracking progress.

Log in your calories and meals as well as your exercise. Weight yourself weekly and track body fat every month. Pick the fattest part of your body and just wrap with a tape measure. 

  • Plan
  • Act
  • Motivate
  • Measure
Simple deal, but most  are seeking the easy path through magical supplements or whatever.
SORRY! It's about hard, smart work. And the scammers love the herd, because they're ripe to exploit with diet and fitness shell games that are costly and ineffective.

If you want results, you must set reasonable goals, make a plan, work hard, stay motivated and just keep punching. If you can do this, you're in the 1% of those who reach potential and rise above the herd. It's simple but hard. Just accept that and strive toward your own ideal.

You author your own success or failure in life. Let's join the achievers and become our very best.


Monday, August 25, 2014

Living Above The Fray

I do not consider myself of part of typical American culture. And when my world intersects this culture I reject, the potential for conflict is high. Sometimes in life I have not always been too good at picking my battles.
Everything does not have to be a fight.
I was in a conversation with a tennis guy who was really a fan of my son. I have a boy truly gifted on the tennis court, and upon the foundation of his natural ability, I have trained my son hard to reach potential. I see him right where he needs to be. I get pissed when people butt in not knowing our plan, training path or long-term goals. Some will swagger  up and arm-chair quarterback as though his progress and success is a fluke. I am learning to let this go as we begin to realize that having ability draws fans, and fans have opinions galore even though their glorious advice hasn't worked for them.

This is our national culture. People are underachieving, uneducated but over opinionated.
I want no part of this rotten grind; I want something better.

My point is that in life you can act or react. You can be that opinionated, underachieving slug who lumbers through life watching others excel at things, then offering valueless criticism from the shadows of mediocrity. And this is most people...

Think of this trend another way, and answer for yourself.
How many guys will spend hours watching football on a weekend, stuffing their bloated faces and shitting peach seeds with every play? Instead of prying themselves off that lazy-boy recliner and going out to do something productive, they sit, eat...and watch...

No Thanks!

If anybody is going to reach potential, he must break away from the herd. The herd won't like it.
In life we make choices, and if you sleep with dogs, you get fleas. Don't run with that horde of slobbering flops who trade what they wanted most for what they wanted now. Break different...and don't waste time arguing with losers....


Friday, August 22, 2014

College Fatties

My wife and I were on the college campus today getting our son situated.
I noticed something quite different from my own college days. Most of these kids were fat.
Everywhere I looked somebody was bulging out of their clothes as their blubber bounced in time with a slow waddle. I am ashamed to be American today. We have become a nation of fat, weak ass bitches.
And excuses? Everybody is full of some external rationalization for their failure.

Nothing is anybody's fault.

We're like the falling Roman empire with wealth and power, and what do we do with our bounty?
It's disgusting. This is our nation today, but there are some who have shrugged off the shackles of obesity.
Success is a choice.

You, and ONLY you are the author of your health, fitness and wellness. Our bodies are the one area of life where most can affect the most empowerment. What's the secret?
Simple right? And if you haven't already, get started!


Sharpening The Saw

In his book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Steve Covey spoke of sharpening the saw.
This is about always striving to become our best mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
I know guys who are unbalanced in their approach to life who may be strong physically but weak as hell in other areas. Know where you stand here, and be honest. My strengths are mental, spiritual and physical but weak emotionally. My heart breaks so easily, and I hide this weakness behind the veneer of an outward toughness.
It's different for each of us, but know your own resolve in your objective analysis when it comes to to where your saw needs sharpening. Our whole purpose in life is to live well and be happy as we contemplate the whole meaning of life. Consider:

Perhaps all the world and all the worlds beyond, and all the people and all the people beyond, and all the stars and all the stars beyond, are connected. When you pass out of this life, you merely lose your individuality.
In place of individuality, you become one with the universe. So the meaning of life is to make the most of it, and to bring your experiences back into the "universal oneness".

Just go think about that now...and sharpen your saw...


Thursday, August 21, 2014

Success In One Word: GOALS!

If I could sum up success and achievement in a single word, this is  it.

Most people are without goals in life. They just wonder through the days hoping all works out for the best. Sometimes it does but most times not.
Oh well....

Here's the deal: you can have some success just living life and doing good things; however, if you want to be your best, you need to set goals, make a plan, take action, stay motivated and keep punching. That's it!
It's not rocket science, yet most people just won't do take the effort, and this is why most never reach potential.

When it comes to goals, you must address all areas of your life as though they were spokes in a wheel. A wheel may function with a spoke or two missing, but for optimal performance, address everything in life that matters. The price of success is hard work both intellectual and physical. 
You must write down your goals based on your passions coupled with what is realistic. There are tons of resources available for those seeking to take ownership of their lives by addressing goal setting and achievement. 

Here is one terrific article:

Our purpose here is health and fitness, so you need to know all the target items related to what you seek for optimal wellness. 
  • How much should you weight
  • What is your best body fat
  • Who can support you in your efforts
  • Who will hinder you
  • What foods should you eat
  • What exercises should you do
And on...and on...

To become the best version of yourself, the notion of specific. timely, attainable goals must be carefully considered. Great health and peak fitness does not just happen. You must want it enough to get real about exactly what you desire for yourself, make a plan, take action and see it all through to the end.
Success is a choice...and for those who set goals....

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Age Factor

Too many guys allow the passing of time to become a handy excuse for ill health associated with obesity. My body began to change about age 27, so I know. It's going to be different for each person.
I remember age 27 as the era of bigger pants sizes.

My jeans were always a size 30, but when I bought new that year....size 32! 


Size 32 became size 34....and then 36...and then 38....and then size 40....
One day I was age 44 and rolling around in size 44 pants. 

Look, I realize that as we age, our bodies change, and we can't pretend that we're forever 20 years old.
That's not realistic. My goal is to just be the best version of myself no matter my age. Size 44 pants was NOT my best, so I worked it off and am now back in size 32 working toward size 30. 

Too often people used age as an excuse to give up on themselves which is why so many go to pot in middle age. Don't be that guy! Today I am age 50 and still can do much without having to compete against my younger self. 

In life success is a choice, so choose to be your best. Anything less is a cop out. 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Aches & Pains...

Sometimes what we must do in order to reach a goal becomes more than our bodies can withstand.
I hate that!
Knowing what to do is half the battle, but the doing is the other half. What can one do when an exercise routine becomes more than we are able to muster?

Today I was scheduled to play a tennis match followed by a 20 mike bike ride followed by an hour of swimming followed by a live sparring session...but somewhere up a hill biking the bowels of central Pennsylvania, my legs just gave out.
I had to skip the swim and find another fighter to step in with my sparring partner. Sometimes I forget myself and remember my training from years past. My mind and spirit has not changed, but my body has. I just can't do all that I want in order to reach certain fitness goals.

That's reality. I'm an old man, but my younger self remains to demand that I work through the pain.
That's how old guys get hurt! Tomorrow shall be a day off, and my body will have time to recover.
Progress is about working hard but smart as well. And instead of biking and tennis, I will start off with swimming and hiking along with light calisthenics. We must never let our young hearts run away with our old heads and aged bodies.

Success in health and fitness is about becoming our best at any age without feeling like we must compete with our younger selves.


Monday, August 18, 2014


Yesterday, I met two guys my age who seemed 30 years older.
Seriously, one guy was fat and had type 2 diabetes and could barely walk while the other guy was a smoker who got winded just standing.

Nobody gets to either of these points by accident.
It takes dedication and effort doing all the wrong things.

In life most are gifted with one sliver of control over an area of our existence where affecting positive or negative change is all choice. It's our health. Most people's health and fitness is purely governed by their decisions regarding lifestyle.


When we take ownership of our health through clean eating and regular exercise, good things happen with our bodies. DUH! The problem are the masses in the human herd who are greedy, undisciplined and lazy.
Such drones are not hard to pick out of the crowd. In fact these wide ass bitches are becoming the majority.
You, and ONLY you are the author of your health, fitness and wellness.
Decide what's important and act...or not...
I'd rather  act - not a react. For those with goals and the willingness to drive toward their best...


Friday, August 15, 2014

The Fat Lady

I met a fat lady today. Let's call her "Mary".
Five years ago Mary was a fitness instructor at a health club and was terminated after getting too fat following an accident which sidelined her training. The club offered Mary another position in the office, because a fat instructor sent the wrong message to the members.

Mary refused and was let go.

Mary's reaction was anger, and she was going to sue. Her attorney said the case would be pointless given that Mary was offered another position, and her contract as an instructor was contingent upon personal physical fitness. Mary went on to get a job at another club....but not as an instructor but in the office.

Let's play the tape forward 5 years to today.
Mary is still fat and full of excuses. Time has a way of validating a decision, and her former employers saw that Mary's personal commitment had waned. In life people evaluate us on how well we maintain our bodies, and though most of us are not in the business of fitness, we are judged. And just like Mary, we can be REJECTED!

It happens in business as well as the game of love. It's not that fat people can't get a career or relationship. The problem is that when we're not the best version of ourselves, we are cheating our purpose to glean the most from life. It's about realizing potential, living well, looking good and feeling great!

So, get to work...

All Is Possible!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

What is "Body Re-composition"?

If you were fat and reached your weight loss goal, body re-composition is maintaining that weight while lowering body fat. And it's a slow process.

I have a weekly routine that involves very specific items related to diet and exercise that seem complicated.
I start on Sunday doing intense cardio with biking, swimming and tennis - about 4 hours total. I eat about 4000 calories that day which comes to a net intake of -1000 calories. In other words at day's end, I have a 1000 calorie deficit. Further, I balance the macro nutrients to raise protein and lower carbs a bit.
Here is the breakdown: 40% Protein, 40% Carb, 20% Fat

The very next day would then be a strength training day where I eat to a 1000 calorie surplus and balance by macro's differently: 20% Protein, 50% Carb, 30% Fat
Any cardio I might do is low intensity, and again, I must eat back those calories for a +1000 calorie net gain.
And this cycle goes on with some rest days sprinkled in as needed.

Here is an article on body re-composition that explains it in more detail.

And there are various other resources you can research, but I'd stray away from buying anything unless you really need the support of one of several body recomp communities. That's your choice.

The purpose for engaging this method of self-improvement is to have new goals once you reach your target weight . Too many people lose weight, quit on themselves and gain it all right back.
You never want that to be you.


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Your Fitness Program

As I have said, getting fit is simple but hard.
It's 70% nutrition. You eat clean: lean meats, fresh fruits and veggies, nuts, whole grains and low fat dairy.
Once you define clean eating, you track calories. There are many free Internet resources that help you log in your food intake. I used My Fitness Pal:
My Fitness Pal not only tracks food but makes daily calorie recommendations based on TDEE, BMR and how you can eat well and lose 1 pound per week.

My Fitness Pal also tracks daily activity and exercise to weigh against food intake. Your daily cardio and strength training is VERY important, but again, your main focus is diet. I train 5 days per week 3 hours per day, so my food intake is very high: 4000 calories per day.

It's different for everybody, and again, your goal is to eat around a 500 calorie daily deficit to lose 1 pound per week. A single pound does not sound like much, but it is. That's 4+ pounds per month and 52 pounds per year, and that's the best way to think about it. LONG TERM! 
Fitness is for life, and we should not think about our wellness in terms of some temporary diet but a lifestyle to embrace.


Tuesday, August 12, 2014


People are filled with excuses when it comes to failure.
It's a rare occasion when a guy can just admit error, gather energy and move ahead in wisdom.

I am especially unnerved by those who make a commitment, then drop the ball and come up with some true whoppers to rationalize themselves. Who are we kidding? Either you're going to produce results or not.

People determined to achieve potential find a path to success while others find a handy excuse.
Just today an associate was supposed to get with me "first thing" Monday....and here we show...and my response?


Once this guy realizes our business is cut off, he'll call with a load of excuses:  his phone was off; the kids were sick; lightning struct - whatever...TOO LATE!

And it's the same with health and fitness. If you want to become the best version of yourself, be very selective with your friends. Like attracts like...and if there is anything in you which desires to hang with mediocrity, you need to check the source of that attraction.

People who know me say I am jolly and fun, but beneath that veneer is a guy with an intensity when it comes to standards. I am very careful not to connect with anybody who's going to move me away from my goals. I do not expect perfection. One of my first litmus tests is whether a guy takes ownership of his desires or makes excuses.

That's what separates a winner from a loser. A success oriented person owns his mistakes, centers his efforts, makes changes and moves forward toward his ideal. Losers look externally for motivation, then rationalize failure.

No thank you!
I have no place in my life for that, and neither should you...


Monday, August 11, 2014

The Victim Mentality

Nothing is my fault...I am a victim...
Some folks are so externally motivated that they lose all self-empowerment. Such people lumber through life, making excuses about why they can't achieve a goal. Fat people are notorious for this.

I am fat, because of my genes, the GMO foods, life stress....or some other psychological "factor"...
The main "factor" is an open mouth. At day's end each person is either self-empowered enough to govern their choices or not. Nature cares nothing for our "factors", platitudes, good intentions or excuses. Nature just is. And nature rewards good choices.

It's simple: calories in vs calories burned. That's it! 

We all have a calorie limit, and once it's discovered, we work with it. I can change my actions but not my defective, putrid genes. And our obesity issue in our nation is not a gene problem but an action problem. The progress we make is the result of unaltered genes but altered actions.

At day's end, our bodies remain the one area of life where most have near total control. Excuses can't take away from the notion of calories in vs calories burned. When I eat too much, I get fat. There has never been anything mythical about what remains the end truth in any effort to avoid or cure obesity.

As always, the ball's in our court, and we can either play the victim or play to win.


Friday, August 8, 2014

Get your sleep!

I remember sleeping more when I was young.  Somewhere in my mid-20's, I started getting less sleep. It started when I went into business and began dealing with the real pressures of life. My health suffered, but I did not see the actual effects until my late 30's.


This obesity was the result of poor nutrition, lack of exercise and crappy sleep. We all know to eat right and exercise, but are you sleeping well?

I had to directly address the sleep problem just like the more obvious concerns like diet and exercise.

The damage was severe but not something I was unable to tackle.
My degeneration had been a slow creep that lasted until age 45 where I went from 190 pounds up to almost 280 pounds. I was a borderline diabetic, suffered high blood pressure, high cholesterol, had to use a C-Pap to breathe at night and looked and felt horrible all the time. Something had to change, so I decided it had to be me.

It was simple but hard. I did not take any supplements or subscribe to any “diets”.
I ate lean meats, fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, nuts and low fat dairy – simple. I trained both cardio and strength daily as well as addressed the sleep issue. My progress was 50% nutrition and 25% exercise and 25% sleep and overall rest. We need all issues addressed to reach our health and fitness goals.

Today, I am in my 50's with the health of guys half my age. If I can do it, so can you!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Intermittent Fasting

I tried Intermittent Fasting over the last 12 months with solid results in weight maintenance and a loss of body fat. So what is Intermittent Fasting?
My program was a meal plan involving clean eating with 16 hour periods of fasting most days.
It was 16 hours of no eating with an 8 hour eating window. Two days per week I'd fast 24 hours.

My results were slow but sure. I lost 2 inches around my belly with no change in weight.
There is much information on  Intermittent Fasting. Egg-heads debate it's virtues endlessly.
Here is a link to get you started if you're interested in learning more:
CLICK HERE: A Beginner's Guide To Intermittent Fasting

I was not much interested in  Intermittent Fasting as a debate subject. My only desire was to get results, so like much of what comes out, I gave  Intermittent Fasting a go. It's no miracle plan, but over 12 months I saw solid improvements. Further, I was able to eat clean and keep my calories within my daily limits much easier.

It worked for me; case closed. I doubt I'll ever go back to eating any other way.  Intermittent Fasting will remain a staple of my overall program of health and wellness. Try it...but BEWARE!

Like all things relating to fitness and health, there are loads of cagey ways for you to spend money needlessly. Don't feel like you need to buy a bunch of shit from some Intermittent Fast guru who'll complicate what is actually very simple. Just read up the link above, decide whether  Intermittent Fasting is for you, then make a plan.

At day's end we are responsible for our health, and our bodies reflect our level of discipline, work ethic, attention to detail and self worth. You are your own walking billboard, and we must sell ourselves before selling our ideas. Make your self marketing all it can be as you work to become your best.You'll look good, feel great and live well. That's what life is all about.


Wednesday, August 6, 2014


We're a nation of fat bodies, because of sugar.
And we are without excuse, because we've always known about the danger of hyper sugar consumption. It was old news 50 years ago when Jack Lalanne warned us on TV....
Here is our major disconnect. Without sugar, salt and fat, you die. Our bodies need this to function, but too much causes new problems. In the age of plenty we get 10 times our individual need which is why we have more fat people now than ever. 

You couple our shit diet with the laziness trend, and what are we left with?
ANSWER: A nation of fatties! 
Our bodies are the one sliver of life where each can affect the most control, and a fat body denotes gluttony, laziness and self hate. It's like wearing a banner that reads DEFECTIVE!

If you are to become the best version of yourself, it begins with the obvious: 
Simple deal...
And sugar moderation is a good place to start.


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Middle Age Wellness

I saw an old guy in the gym lifting. 
He was huffing and puffing his way through a strength training routine I would have thought belonged to a much younger man. He seemed to be struggling. Oh each his own.... 
I went back to my own training. 

Somewhere between muscle ups, I noticed him watching me. It was more of a curious glance but nowhere near creepy or strange. I could tell what I was doing baffled this guy, and he seemed curious. I pretended not to notice his continuous interest, because I knew he'd approach when he was ready.

"Excuse me", he said. "I was noticing your bar routine. That's very impressive. How old are you?"
If I had a dollar for every time this
Turned out my new friend was a former weight lifter who was trying to get back into it but just couldn't work through his old strength training program. He felt weak...and his joints hurt more than before.  

As we age, our bodies can no longer tolerate the stress that produced results for us at age 22. I remember achieving insane lifts 30 years ago that'd cripple me today. I just can't do it, and too many old guys like my friend here try to recovered their youth doing the only thing they know to do: LIFT HEAVY! 

What usually happens is either an injury or lost resolve, but the result is the same. An old guy just quits trying and resigns himself to obesity and the ravages of  Father Time. The key to success is an altered training routine geared to achieve realistic goals more oriented toward overall health and wellness - not peak lifts. 
It's a hard transition. Inside every old guy is his younger self screaming "LIFT HEAVY YOU WUSSIE!"
I get it. As a man in his 50's, I understand my limits and  resolve to achieve peak fitness that still surpasses 99% of the male population but won't break my body. It's not easy.
You must unlearn most of what you learned in your 20's which is when most guys reached their peak. The rules have changed. You must realize your body's needs, adjust your expectations and set goals that increase fitness and raise health and wellness. It's not about the man in the mirror or your maximum squat but your quality of life.

Ignore this reality, and you're in for a long, hard ride. Receive and embrace this truth, and....

Monday, August 4, 2014

Listen To Your Body

Yesterday was my official "rest day", so I wake up feeling less than  refreshed, and  something is just not right. Learn to listen to your body. My written program says that I am to bike 25 miles followed by a swim and some calisthenics strength training.
Guess what?
It's just not happening. I still feel burned out and my joints ache, so today is another rest day, and today's routine will bump back 1 day. This is how things go sometimes. We devise what we believe is the best diet and exercise program only to discover that it might over-reach. Those who try to push through anyway find their performance suffers and the risk of injury is high.
Again, listen to your body.
Our fitness is for life, so it's never a race. Those who race with nature come in dead last eventually.
Don't be that guy.


Friday, August 1, 2014

Meal FAIL!

Yesterday I noticed my grown son had some friends over for burgers and dogs....and there were leftovers...
I was preparing my morning oatmeal with blueberries.....and well, I ate four chili cheese dogs and three cheeseburgers...
I felt like a complete hog, and as fabulous as it was going down, my whole constitution suffered all day. Why did I give in? The answer is simple though shameful. I am weak! I tried to resist and even had my twin boys eat up just to be rid of the temptation. That helped, but then my third son totally let me down by eating cereal instead. "Who eats burgers and dogs for breakfast?"

That's all it took.

I think the whole house heard my disgusting moans of pleasure as I ate...and ate...and ate....
Now I get why some people induce puking after a binge. I was tempted. One finger down the throat, and my problem is solved!

But no...that's not the answer...

Instead of a bulimic purge, I went for a 2 hour bike ride followed by a gym workout and 4 miles walking. This morning I have no ill effects in terms of bloat. One fail won't derail my progress, but when we allow our base nature to rule day after day, progress stalls, and we regress.

That's most people.

My point today is that a fail in diet or training is not the end the journey. It's merely a delay. If you're like me, you engineer plenty of mistakes, and so you learn, gather energy, change and move forward. That's what winners do. Let's never be defined by our worse days but by overall, earned results in time.

And if you have a bad day, suck it up. Tomorrow is a clean slate, so begin again.