I eat clean six days a week, and on day seven pig out on anything I want.
Simple! Of course the egg-headed know-all's debate this endlessly, but I tried it to see for myself. It worked...DEBATE OVER!
A free day in your week can help you reach your health and fitness goals. And this has benefits both physical, emotional and mental. Consider:
Physical Effects of FREE DAY
- Increased Metabolism
Shocking your body with a solid feeding has all sorts of benefits relating to revving up your engines. When we're in a state of calorie restriction, our bodies react by slowly down-regulating the affects of our efforts. It's a survival response.
Emotional Effects of FREE DAY
And the psychology is simple as well. When I know I have less than six days to eat anything I desire, it helps motivate me to push away from the table on weight loss days.
I have been doing this for 5 years with stellar results. It worked when I lost 90 lbs, and it has worked while I maintain weight and work to slowly cut body fat. Again, the egg-heads argue the virtues of a Free Day, but fuck 'em!
You need to try incorporating a free day into your routine and just see how things go. The hard part for me is shutting it down. I have set myself back turning a free day into a free week. BEWARE! At day's end being healthy and fit is 70% nutrition and 30% exercise, and that equals 100% effort on your part.
Peak health is earned; the government can't tax me to make you fit. You're either going to take action or not, and that's reality. You can evade this reality but not the consequences. Nature has a way of biting our ass when we step far from what's ideal. It's all up to you, so get to it!