Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Age Factor

Too many guys allow the passing of time to become a handy excuse for ill health associated with obesity. My body began to change about age 27, so I know. It's going to be different for each person.
I remember age 27 as the era of bigger pants sizes.

My jeans were always a size 30, but when I bought new that year....size 32! 


Size 32 became size 34....and then 36...and then 38....and then size 40....
One day I was age 44 and rolling around in size 44 pants. 

Look, I realize that as we age, our bodies change, and we can't pretend that we're forever 20 years old.
That's not realistic. My goal is to just be the best version of myself no matter my age. Size 44 pants was NOT my best, so I worked it off and am now back in size 32 working toward size 30. 

Too often people used age as an excuse to give up on themselves which is why so many go to pot in middle age. Don't be that guy! Today I am age 50 and still can do much without having to compete against my younger self. 

In life success is a choice, so choose to be your best. Anything less is a cop out. 

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