Tuesday, June 17, 2014

June 17, Tuesday 2004 - My Fat Self vs Today...

The Lifestyle of the Fit

I remember as a young guy being very fit, and the key then as it is now was focus.
Health and wellness is not about oppressive diets and training routines but an attitude that sets a person apart from the slugs wasting away in failure. Consider:

Those who are very fit...
  1. enjoy an active lifestyle
  2. get plenty of sleep
  3. don't go on "diets"
  4. hang out with other fit people
  5. write down goals
Folks, in life, success is a choice, and we actually become our mind's focus. 
If our nerve center in life is food and drink, guess what?

The choice is ours alone, and we all own our results - good or bad.
Our bodies are a reflection of our character, work ethic and values. And it's governed completely by the decisions we make which again, are a function of focus.


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