Thursday, July 31, 2014

Progress Review

Sometimes it's good to look back and remember the journey into and out the wilderness of obesity. 
I was always a fit lad and maintained this into my 30's. I went from fit to fat over 10 years and decided that I just did not want to be that middle aged fat guy. NO THANKS! 
I started logging my food and exercises, and here is the reality. Nutrition is 70% of the health equation.
EAT LESS-MOVE MORE  - simple but hard, hard, hard. The result of all this is summed up in my level of fitness today.
Age is no excuse! ALL IS POSSIBLE

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Age Is Merely A Number

Too many guys allow the passing of time to become a handy excuse for ill health associated with obesity. My body began to change about age 27, so I know. It's going to be different for each person.
I remember age 27 as the era of bigger pants sizes.

My jeans were always a size 30, but when I bought new that year....size 32! 


Size 32 became size 34....and then 36...and then 38....and then size 40....
One day I was age 44 and rolling around in size 44 pants. 

Look, I realize that as we age, our bodies change, and we can't pretend that we're forever 20 years old.
That's not realistic. My goal is to just be the best version of myself no matter my age. Size 44 pants was NOT my best, so I worked it off and am now back in size 32 working toward size 30. 

Too often people used age as an excuse to give up on themselves which is why so many go to pot in middle age. Don't be that guy! Today I am age 50 and still can do much without having to compete against my younger self. 

In life success is a choice, so choose to be your best. Anything less is a cop out. 


Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Birds of a feather flock together...

Guys with similar character or interests will often choose to hang out.
My mother used to say "you know people by the friends they keep".  When it  comes to health and fitness, I have seen a complete turnover in my friend list. 

Our common interest used to be food and drink in addition to health issues. That's normal - right? A group of fat ass middle aged guys gather for pigs-in-a-blanket dipped in onion gravy washed down with a whiskey sour. Nothing wrong here...

Things have changed...and all of my old friends have just drifted away. When we see each other, it's always nice, and I love these guys, but we have little in common now. They're all fat and still on that road to nowhere. It's actually a good reminder of what I escaped. Our conversations usually end the same...

THEM: "We should get together for lunch and some drinks"
ME: "We should get together for some tennis or biking"

These are just two different worlds, and my former friends want no part of my transformed life and vice versa.
Once I made room in my life, fresh acquaintances emerged, because nature abhors a vacuum. All of my new friends are health and fitness oriented, and every social gathering is in some way connected to physical exercise.

Don't fear that you'll lose friends. Remember, until certain doors are closed, new doors can't open.
Birds of a feather flock together...


Monday, July 28, 2014

Enjoying Life

Amid the bustle of achieving goals, we must remember to enjoy the journey.
 The destination is our ultimate aim, yet the quest is what takes us from what we were to who we desire to become. Our goal in all things is to be the best version of ourselves, but have fun in route!

Today I am hurting in places I have not felt in years. Yesterday I pushed myself hard in an effort to defeat a  tennis player seeded #2 in a tournament I entered. I took a game off the guy. It felt great!
Later, we grilled steaks!

My point is that while we strive toward our personal ideal, stop and remember to relish every ounce of life. Don't get so caught up in your work that you become driven to the point of misery. ENJOY LIFE!
Too many guys forget that every minute that passes is a minute that you never get back - ever! Don't waste a single moment of your life chasing the wind.

Goals are important, and our choices and action are as well. I believe this. And as paramount as our efforts are, it is equally crucial to remember that our journey is gratifying as well. If you're not enjoying the process, it's time to regroup. You won't enjoy success either.

I want to enjoy life to the fullest at every step toward my goals and beyond. Life is to be lived!


Friday, July 25, 2014

The Comfort Zone

Nothing much happens in the comfort zone.
It's comfortable though! It feels nice, and yet to truly grow, each man must reach beyond the warmth of what's familiar. Sometimes it's much easier to get a dance with the ugly girl as opposed to risking rejection by asking the pretty girl to dance. Risk is uncomfortable!

We all must define and step out of our personal bed of roses from time to time. This weekend I am playing in an open tennis tournament against players above my level and much younger. It's damn uncomfortable!
They'll be people watching me fight an impossible battle. My opponent will call me a scrub. Why go through this embarrassment? GROWTH!
This is a unique opportunity to step on the court with a player who wouldn't bother returning my phone call otherwise. My game goes up every time I participate. Guys my age I once played even tennis with are now guys who can barely win a point off me. They're happy in their comfort zones while I am not. I want more.

This was the same in boxing, MMA, business as well the game of love. Life rewards people who can endure the uneasiness of insecurity. I know a guy who'll only compete against others he knows he can beat. I was once one such opponent for this guy. Well, I grew; he did not, and one day I defeated him and broke a 30+ game losing streak.

We never played again. His ego just can't take the notion of another good drubbing.

One way I deal with the inevitable of the no win scenario is to lower my bar for victory. In years past it was merely winning a single point per game, then it became winning a single game in a match...and so on.
Last year I won 2 games and felt like the greatest man on earth. This year I drew the #2 seed and expect to win a game or two off this opponent, yet I am playing to win every point! .

Supposedly, my opponent will get an easy ride to the second round, and I will get eliminated from the tournament. That's the smart odds, yet I am going in to win way above my personal bar, and if this guy gives me any opening, I will exploit it. It shall be a load of fun as well as a huge opportunity for growth.

Each of us deserve to become the best version of who we really are, but for this to happen, you must step out of your comfort zone. So, why don't you?

All Is Possible! 

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Tap Your Passion!

I train about 3 hours nearly every day. Some have said this is excessive, and those same guys will sit and watch 4 hours of TV every day. then wonder why they're fat.
That's most people.

When guys ask me what is the very best, most effective exercises, I can't really answer. Swimming is nice unless you hate swimming. And while there will always be an element of resistance to training, for the most part, you must try to do something you enjoy. Don't merely!
OK, biking is the best exercise - better than anything...for me...some days...
I LOVE BIKING...some days...
I also love MMA, hiking, swimming and playing tennis. My training sessions are me at play,  having fun and earning results with my health and fitness goals. When you hear people say fitness is more about lifestyle, this is what they mean.

And again, this does not mean that there won't be times when you'd rather just lay down and gel before the TV. You must still engage discipline and work ethic, but matching your training routines to what you enjoy makes the process easier.

I prefer calisthenics over lifting weights; I prefer hiking or swimming over jogging. It's possible some of these activities I hate would indeed be more effective if all I look at is what's on paper. My aim is to enjoy what I do, so what's most effective objectively is totally non-effective if I just blow it off and skip training that day.
And that is most people...

Our goals must be to realize measurable results over a specific time period. END OF STORY!
This ONLY comes through consistent work. Nature does not care about your good intentions, platitudes or excuses. Nature just is...and nature rewards or punishes depending on the choices we make in life.

Find a way to integrate your passions into all that you do. Choose wisely...choose life!


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Success In One Word: Goals

If I could sum up success and achievement in a single word, this is  it.

Most people are without goals in life. They just wonder through the days hoping all works out for the best. Sometimes it does but most times not.
Oh well....

Here's the deal: you can have some success just living life and doing good things; however, if you want to be your best, you need to set goals, make a plan, take action, stay motivated and keep punching. That's it!
It's not rocket science, yet most people just won't do take the effort, and this is why most never reach potential.

When it comes to goals, you must address all areas of your life as though they were spokes in a wheel. A wheel may function with a spoke or two missing, but for optimal performance, address everything in life that matters. The price of success is hard work both intellectual and physical. 
You must write down your goals based on your passions coupled with what is realistic. There are tons of resources available for those seeking to take ownership of their lives by addressing goal setting and achievement. 

Here is one terrific article:

Our purpose here is health and fitness, so you need to know all the target items related to what you seek for optimal wellness. 
  • How much should you weight
  • What is your best body fat
  • Who can support you in your efforts
  • Who will hinder you
  • What foods should you eat
  • What exercises should you do
And on...and on...

To become the best version of yourself, the notion of specific. timely, attainable goals must be carefully considered. Great health and peak fitness does not just happen. You must want it enough to get real about exactly what you desire for yourself, make a plan, take action and see it all through to the end.
Success is a choice...and for those who set goals....

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Shifting Gears

I can remember my uncle 30 ago the same age as me today.
He lifted HEAVY! I pledged to be just like him.

A few weeks ago, my uncle gave me some advice: "stop lifting heavy while you can still lift heavy".
I asked him what he meant, and my uncle explained. He had always been a guy I wanted to model myself after when it comes to training into old age. My uncle had always been strong and lifted heavy into his 60's, but somewhere in that decade of life, he developed arthritis attributed to his strength training.
Today he barely can lift his own arms.
Suddenly, this guy is NOT my ideal to strive toward.
I have slowly began lifting lighter and lighter weights with higher reps in an effort to maintain muscle but preserve my joints and overall health. That is the end goal, but male ego has a way of nipping at the edges of our conscience. LIFT HEAVY YOU WIMP!
That pride run riot is how old guys get hurt, and those injuries are a mild nuisance to a young guy but potentially crippling to an old man. My goal is to live well into old age and remain active. The aim is health, wellness and peak fitness, and that's not possible competing with my younger self.

So, work hard, but work smart! We don't want to end up some old guy who was robbed of an active life because of pride and ego. Our success is a function of choice, and I choose health!


Monday, July 21, 2014

Elements of Success

I was always very fit  and maintained this into my 30's. That's when things started to change, and I went from fit to fat into my 40's.
Middle age has a whole different set of rules, and I had to decide not to be that middle aged fat guy. 
I started logging my food and exercises, and here is the reality. Nutrition is 70% of the health equation. Exercise is important, and I train 3 hours 6 days per week, but until nutrition is addressed, forget it! You must decide never to trade what you want most for what you want now.
So, you eat clean....lean meats, fresh fruits and veggies, nuts, whole grains and raw dairy. Once you make that commitment, you train both cardio and strength. Too many fat guys eat like shit, then lumber into the gym to lift. Don't waste your time. Either address all the elements of health or resolve to be that slug cinching his leather lift belt around his bloated gut. 
The elements of a good fitness program are...
  • food intake
  • cardio exercise
  • strength training
  • flexibility
To become the best version of yourself, you must set goals, make a plan addressing these elements, then take action and stay motivated. Guy who fail at this formula fail in life. For those plugged into the principles of success...


Friday, July 18, 2014

Friday - No Excuses

I know this fat guy who resembles a September pumpkin.  Every time you see him, he's grown slightly bigger, and today, he's almost ripe...for a heart attack, type II diabetes and other related issues connected to obesity.
This guy's like the Weight Watchers anti-poster boy. We used to train MMA together, and he's my age. Part of our routines involved running and calisthenics, and we were on equal footing before the bloat. Anyway, he's given up exercise altogether, and when we meet, I am peppered with questions about how I  stay so fit.

Nobody ever likes my answer.  I eat clean and exercise daily. That's it. 
But...but Rob...what diet are you on? What pills do you take? Which Dr Oz supplement can you recommend? ANSWER: NONE OF THE ABOVE

I eat whole foods...lean meats, fresh fruits and veggies, nuts, whole grains and raw dairy. 
SIMPLE! And I train both cardio and strength daily. Nobody wants to hear that.

My aforementioned associate buys every gadget, pill, powder or belly toner that comes up but just keeps getting fatter. And when it comes to results, he's filled with excuses about how busy his life is, and then we talk about his favorite TV

No time...huh?

When it comes to our health, nature cares not for our rationalizations, platitudes or good intentions.
Nature just is...and we are without excuse. Our bodies are the one area of life where most can affect near total control, yet the average fatty will have a handy excuse list. Neither nature nor I am buying it.

Eat less...move more - simple deal.


Thursday, July 17, 2014

Thursday - Conflicting Goals

My goals conflict.
Seriously, some of what I desire when it comes to my health just don't go together. These goals are like being in a car and wanting to drive toward Mexico and Canada at the same time. This tug-of-war is mainly about cutting body fat and gaining muscle. 

One one hand I desire to be strong, formidable and carry some impressive size, yet I also want to be lean.
Example: My peak lifts were:
bench 350...Deadlift 600....Squat 475 - not bad for me, but...
...I also want to perform 15 muscle ups, bike 40 miles, run 5 miles, swim 2 miles and knock out 20 pull ups.
If these sound nuts, consider the video below. 20 pull ups followed by 20 chin ups.
I noticed that as I cut weight, my lifts cratered , but my calisthenic and aerobic ability increased. This also raised my sports performance and enhanced overall health and wellness. I call this a win for health but a blow to my ego. And there is my problem!

I had to get real about which goals were more about vanity than living well, feeling good and living healthy.
As we age, we should be letting go of our pride and working  smart - yep...but....I still let that old pride wash over my spirit which ends up setting back progress.

Answer for yourself: 
How much of  your own effort is ego as opposed to just doing what is right. And don't mind me; I am still a work in progress. Inside every old man is his younger self screaming WTF? 
I get it, but as time passes, we must accept that our prime is past and the goals of today are about peak health - not that guy in the mirror. He's a liar; ignore him...

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Wed -- Supplements

I do not use supplements.

These products typically do not match the label claims and make outlandish assertions regarding the affect of a product. These crooks prey on weak, lazy people all looking for the magic bullet to keep from eating clean and exercising hard.
Get a clue: there is no such easy, soft path that leads to success but hard work and discipline.
That's it, and whole food intake remains the best source of nutrition - PERIOD!

Eat leans meats, fresh fruits and veggies, nuts, whole grains and raw dairy.
And stay the hell away from supplements! If man makes it, you're better off not eating it.

Guys see my results and ask...what are my training routines...and what supplements do I take. 
They just don't get it. 70% of the equation is nutrition...what you eat. 30% is exercise - both cardio and resistance. The exercise is actually the simple part of reaching peak fitness. 
Just do something that includes both elements of aerobic and strength training. It does not require buying books, CD's or anything but plain effort.

You, and ONLY you are the author of your success, and there are no shortcuts. The more you put in...the more you get out. 


Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Tuesday - Being Average...

There is a men's study which evaluated the average guy around the world. 
See it here:
There is only one conclusion: Average SUCKS!

No matter where you are in the world, typical men are not striving to become the best version of themselves. 
Don't be that person.
We have one life, and why not be your very best? That does not mean perfect, but answer for yourself:
I have defined my goals in life based on my passions and natural assets, then evaluated my drive and discipline. There are some things I desire but decided the cost is too high. My focus in life is health, wellness and physical fitness, and anything which inhibits that is outta here. 

That cost is too high.

Money, power and fame can't buy or command optimal  health, but simple daily choices can. When it comes to your health, most of the result is governed by decision. This makes most average people uncomfortable, because self-empowerment is either a tool for overall well-being or a slide into mediocrity. Average people don't like introspection that might lead to positive change. They're all out scrambling for the right pill, potion or magic formula that eliminates hard work.
Sorry, life just does not function that way. Again, our success is largely governed by choice, so today, receive this...and choose wisely. 


Monday, July 14, 2014

Monday - your pooh pooh.....

Let's talk shit.
Seriously, how's your bowel movement? Our health is  reflected is what comes out, so before flushing, take a look.

If you notice anything abnormal, either own up to your poor diet, or get to a doctor.
I notice a huge difference in my pooh after a free day. It's as though my body just rejects all that bad food, and as fabulous as it was going in, it's terrible coming out.

Here is an article you might find interesting. It expands on this with good information.
What Your Bowel Movements Are Telling You About Your Health

Sometimes going that extra mile for our health is not always enjoyment, but our shit can actually be a solid warning of something bad or a reliable mirror of current health. So, take a peek!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Friday...FREE DAY!

Once every week I include what is called a "Free Day" into my diet.
What is that?   SIMPLE!
I eat anything and as much as I desire. It started as a 24 hour food binge, but is now merely a few cheat meals and nasty snacks. Free day is usually when we go out to dinner or to a party. I love it!
I need this for two reasons:
  • a solid weekly feeding shocks my body and energizes metabolism  
  • weekly free days help me stay disciplined the other 6 days
The egg-heads will argue about this, but I tried it, and a free day works for me.
Others claim a free day causes more problems, because it's hard to turn off. To each his own.
We must all decide our own plan of action based on the goals we seek, and my conclusion is to include and recommend a free day as part of a solid nutrition plan.


Thursday, July 10, 2014

Thursday - The Winning Attitude

There is a battle raging in our minds.
It's like two bulls fighting, and whichever is strongest prevails. The manifestation of this battle  is in each person's attitude toward success. Do you want it?

There are many angles to address this, but I want to focus on an item that has come up with somebody close. It bothers me. I am troubled, because I witness how his shit attitude affects his kids, and this guy does not see how this toxic poison will ruin his own children's potential.
Here is the situation...consider:
I know a guy with four kids and each has loads of potential that is never realized.
They never stick with anything, because he beats them up emotionally and mentally. Nothing is ever right, good enough or up to standard. And this perfectionism is balanced with a philosophy toward competition that says winning does not matter.

Not surprising...not one of his 4 kids has ever won at anything. They enter any endeavor in a sea blue funk, looking for reasons to lose, then quit. His oldest eventually gave up on sports and turned to drug abuse.
The others will do likewise.

It's tough to watch, because I have five kids, and they all know what is means to succeed - to win 1st place in an event and realize potential. My oldest is age 20, and he is carrying this attitude into life as an adult. I bring this up for 3 reasons.

  1. I need to vent...
  2. We should be aware of how we parent
  3. Are our own lives affected by an abnormal childhood?
Items 2 and 3 are my focus, because I do not want perpetuate this cycle. And when I see the look of rage and disappointment  in his eyes...and the look of anguish and hurt in his own kids, I see Dad and me.

I just don't think some fathers realize how fragile kids are inside, and I pity these boys with loads of potential that  shall never be fulfilled. I want to raise winners, and I want to be a winner which means overcoming the past and focusing on a bright future for myself as well as those in my care.

It all starts with attitude. That's where both failure and success are cultivated. 


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Wednesday - Tapping Passion

When it comes to fitness, long term success is about lifestyle.
Too many who fail never seem to be able to make training anything but drudgery, because they don't tap their passions. Exercise and diet are separate items from their lifestyle, and that is why most fall short.

Don't become that person!

When we correlate our training with desire, we plug into an abundance that will never run dry. This is a resource unique to each individual. I train 3 hours every day...and  LOVE IT!  I enjoy my training and am passionate about my exercise and diet.

One huge excuse is "I don't have time".
We all have time, and the average American watches 4 hours of TV every day. That coupled with all the internet surfing and texting....we all have time! The problem is few have the discipline to make the effort, and when one is passionate about something, they find the time. Fancy that!

So, what are your passions?
For me it's MMA, boxing, biking,  tennis, swimming, calisthenics and hiking. Everybody is different, and you should never allow others to define your training by virtue of ambition that is not your own.


Once you define your own zeal regarding exercise, you have joined the 10% of people who reach their goals. The other 90% is that herd of underachievers who talk only of what they did and might do - never about what they're doing now.
You, and only you author your success, and it starts by honestly tapping your passions.


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Tuesday - Anytime Fitness

My Health Club

I changed health clubs some time back.
I joined Anytime Fitness. One of my biggest hassles is trying to adjust my crazy schedule to a facility's hours of operation. NO MORE OF THAT! 
Now I come and go as I please. It's been nice, and I have come a long way. You must find that special place that matches your own needs and expectations. 

Start Weight: 278 lbs Goal Weight: 190 lbs

I was always fit as a kid and participated in various athletics. I ate whatever I wanted and trained little. Fitness just came natural. I maintained this into my mid 30's, but somewhere just before age 40...something happened.


It was a slow creep that lasted until age 45 where I went from 190 pounds up to almost 280 pounds. I was a borderline diabetic, suffered high blood pressure, high cholesterol, had to use a C-Pap to breathe at night and looked and felt horrible all the time. Something had to change, so I decided it had to me me.

It was simple but hard. I do not take any supplements or subscribe to any “diets”.
I eat lean meats, fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, nuts and low fat dairy – simple. I train both cardio and strength daily. My progress is 50% nutrition and 50% exercise. We need both issues addressed to reach our health and fitness goals.

Today, I am in my 50's with the health of guys half my age. If I can do it, so can you!


Monday, July 7, 2014

Tracking Progress

Guys who succeed set goals, then write these goals down. They take action and measure these actions against results. The only way to do this is to track progress.

If we're talking about wealth, we track income and net worth. If we're talking about career, we track advancement and certain professional milestones related to your specific industry. In the area of overall health and wellness, there are many items to consider.

  • height/weight
  • body fat
  • resting heart rate
  • blood pressure
  • sports performance
  • exercise
  • diet
  • blood sugar/cholesterol 
  • medical issues
Those serious about reaching goals review and study these goals, make a plan, take action and measure the results.  At day's end results are all that matter.  Notice how people who fail shy away from talking about results. They'd much rather begin any discussion with a focus on external forces they use as excuses. 

This is most people. I may seem like a broken record pointing out these folks, but you always want to be aware of and avoid the herd. They're going nowhere fast, and all are welcome on this road to failure. 
Or not...
The hypnotizing effect of the herd makes abnormal seem normal. Winners see these washouts for what they are and become determined to break away. Oh, and don't expect anything but scorn from the herd once you become a winner. Failure hates success!

So again, achievers set goals, make plans, take action, stay motivated and track results. The end of our efforts are the payoff of great health, peak fitness and a happy life. While the herd settles for whatever life grants, the few just make things happen.


Friday, July 4, 2014

July 4th - Friday: JUICING!

I bought a Jack Lalanne Power Juicer some time back to give fresh juicing a go.
All I can say is WOW! This one change in diet made a huge difference in overall health and wellness. 
Every day I generate a half gallon of some mix of fresh fruit and veggies.

Today's recipe was....,  kale, broccoli, red bell pepper, kale, spinach, tomato, strawberries,  red and green grapes and kiwi...

Throughout the day I make sure to intake this pure mix of health and have been for 6 years. Again, it affects my overall wellness in ways I can't put into words. My only beef with the Jack Lalanne juicer is that too much pulp is removed.
NO PROBLEM...I just add back in what I want to drink, then either discard what remains,  bake them into muffins or cook them down with whatever meal I am preparing. With juicing one can get creative.

It's your life and your health.
When we eat average, we look and feel average. It's all in your control, and when you look around at average people, do they really have the kind of health you desire?


Thursday, July 3, 2014

Thursday July 3 -- Sharpening The Saw

In his best selling masterpiece 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People Stephen Covey spoke of preserving and enhancing your best assets.

This involves an introspective, objective evaluation and a commitment to excellence. If we are to become the best versions of ourselves, sharpening the saw is paramount. As it relates to health and fitness, it means that you never allow yourself to peak out. Once you feel you've peaked, there is only one direction to go: DOWN! 

That's most people. 

I spoke in earlier posts about my own way of sharpening that saw once I reached my weight loss goals. I switch gears from weight loss to body re-composition and weight maintenance. Others focus on goals related to run times, maximum gym lifts or sports performance. There is no single way to sharpen the saw; everybody is unique, but the universal principle in play is to never max out without being realistic about bar placement.

In other words don't set unreasonable, non-achievable goals. 

Ineffective people quit working once a goal is reached while success oriented achievers know that a victory in just a beginning. That's the demarcation between your best and something less. Strive for the best!


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Tuesday - July 1: Toxic People

Dealing With Toxic People
There are times when I just hate dealing with people...
It's hard to listen to the self-induced drama and never ending flow of excuses for failure. What is it with some folks?

I try to avoid high maintenance, non-empowered people, and those in my life who prove to be toxic are cut off. Life is too short to be continuously plagued with the presence of so much human negativity. It's contagious! And here are the very types to avoid, ignore or severe....

1) Pessimists:  Nothing is ever right. They  see the bad always.
2)  Nosy TypesThey get in everybody's business and make things worse - not better . 
3) Crybabies: Some people have no problem bitching about their private life openly and are always pissing and moaning about everything.
4) Drama Queens:  They make a mountain out of a molehill. Everything is a big deal
5)  Hypocrites: They hold others to a standard but not themselves.
6) Gossipers: All they talk about is other people, and nobody is ever spared - not even YOU!

7) Excuse Makers: I especially detest these types...They always have a handy rationalization for failure. It's never them....

8) Jealous Types: These folks are always tearing down their betters. Failure hates success...
And feel free to make your own list; bottom line: 
Whether to deal with these people in our lives is a choice - our choice...
You, and only you author your future, and as the author of the chapters of my life, I here-by write out those who bring pain into my happy life. Enough is enough...ADIOS! 
Resolve to connect with those who are positive, and leave the negative ones to themselves as they drown in a sea of poison...