Nothing much happens in the comfort zone.
It's comfortable though! It feels nice, and yet to truly grow, each man must reach beyond the warmth of what's familiar. Sometimes it's much easier to get a dance with the ugly girl as opposed to risking rejection by asking the pretty girl to dance. Risk is uncomfortable!
We all must define and step out of our personal bed of roses from time to time. This weekend I am playing in an open tennis tournament against players above my level and much younger. It's damn uncomfortable!
They'll be people watching me fight an impossible battle. My opponent will call me a scrub. Why go through this embarrassment? GROWTH!
This is a unique opportunity to step on the court with a player who wouldn't bother returning my phone call otherwise. My game goes up every time I participate. Guys my age I once played even tennis with are now guys who can barely win a point off me. They're happy in their comfort zones while I am not. I want more.
This was the same in boxing, MMA, business as well the game of love. Life rewards people who can endure the uneasiness of insecurity. I know a guy who'll only compete against others he knows he can beat. I was once one such opponent for this guy. Well, I grew; he did not, and one day I defeated him and broke a 30+ game losing streak.
We never played again. His ego just can't take the notion of another good drubbing.
One way I deal with the inevitable of the no win scenario is to lower my bar for victory. In years past it was merely winning a single point per game, then it became winning a single game in a match...and so on.
Last year I won 2 games and felt like the greatest man on earth. This year I drew the #2 seed and expect to win a game or two off this opponent, yet I am playing to win every point! .
Supposedly, my opponent will get an easy ride to the second round, and I will get eliminated from the tournament. That's the smart odds, yet I am going in to win way above my personal bar, and if this guy gives me any opening, I will exploit it. It shall be a load of fun as well as a huge opportunity for growth.
Each of us deserve to become the best version of who we really are, but for this to happen, you must step out of your comfort zone. So, why don't you?
All Is Possible!