Monday, July 7, 2014

Tracking Progress

Guys who succeed set goals, then write these goals down. They take action and measure these actions against results. The only way to do this is to track progress.

If we're talking about wealth, we track income and net worth. If we're talking about career, we track advancement and certain professional milestones related to your specific industry. In the area of overall health and wellness, there are many items to consider.

  • height/weight
  • body fat
  • resting heart rate
  • blood pressure
  • sports performance
  • exercise
  • diet
  • blood sugar/cholesterol 
  • medical issues
Those serious about reaching goals review and study these goals, make a plan, take action and measure the results.  At day's end results are all that matter.  Notice how people who fail shy away from talking about results. They'd much rather begin any discussion with a focus on external forces they use as excuses. 

This is most people. I may seem like a broken record pointing out these folks, but you always want to be aware of and avoid the herd. They're going nowhere fast, and all are welcome on this road to failure. 
Or not...
The hypnotizing effect of the herd makes abnormal seem normal. Winners see these washouts for what they are and become determined to break away. Oh, and don't expect anything but scorn from the herd once you become a winner. Failure hates success!

So again, achievers set goals, make plans, take action, stay motivated and track results. The end of our efforts are the payoff of great health, peak fitness and a happy life. While the herd settles for whatever life grants, the few just make things happen.


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