Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Tuesday - July 1: Toxic People

Dealing With Toxic People
There are times when I just hate dealing with people...
It's hard to listen to the self-induced drama and never ending flow of excuses for failure. What is it with some folks?

I try to avoid high maintenance, non-empowered people, and those in my life who prove to be toxic are cut off. Life is too short to be continuously plagued with the presence of so much human negativity. It's contagious! And here are the very types to avoid, ignore or severe....

1) Pessimists:  Nothing is ever right. They  see the bad always.
2)  Nosy TypesThey get in everybody's business and make things worse - not better . 
3) Crybabies: Some people have no problem bitching about their private life openly and are always pissing and moaning about everything.
4) Drama Queens:  They make a mountain out of a molehill. Everything is a big deal
5)  Hypocrites: They hold others to a standard but not themselves.
6) Gossipers: All they talk about is other people, and nobody is ever spared - not even YOU!

7) Excuse Makers: I especially detest these types...They always have a handy rationalization for failure. It's never them....

8) Jealous Types: These folks are always tearing down their betters. Failure hates success...
And feel free to make your own list; bottom line: 
Whether to deal with these people in our lives is a choice - our choice...
You, and only you author your future, and as the author of the chapters of my life, I here-by write out those who bring pain into my happy life. Enough is enough...ADIOS! 
Resolve to connect with those who are positive, and leave the negative ones to themselves as they drown in a sea of poison...


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