Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Shifting Gears

I can remember my uncle 30 ago the same age as me today.
He lifted HEAVY! I pledged to be just like him.

A few weeks ago, my uncle gave me some advice: "stop lifting heavy while you can still lift heavy".
I asked him what he meant, and my uncle explained. He had always been a guy I wanted to model myself after when it comes to training into old age. My uncle had always been strong and lifted heavy into his 60's, but somewhere in that decade of life, he developed arthritis attributed to his strength training.
Today he barely can lift his own arms.
Suddenly, this guy is NOT my ideal to strive toward.
I have slowly began lifting lighter and lighter weights with higher reps in an effort to maintain muscle but preserve my joints and overall health. That is the end goal, but male ego has a way of nipping at the edges of our conscience. LIFT HEAVY YOU WIMP!
That pride run riot is how old guys get hurt, and those injuries are a mild nuisance to a young guy but potentially crippling to an old man. My goal is to live well into old age and remain active. The aim is health, wellness and peak fitness, and that's not possible competing with my younger self.

So, work hard, but work smart! We don't want to end up some old guy who was robbed of an active life because of pride and ego. Our success is a function of choice, and I choose health!


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