Friday, July 18, 2014

Friday - No Excuses

I know this fat guy who resembles a September pumpkin.  Every time you see him, he's grown slightly bigger, and today, he's almost ripe...for a heart attack, type II diabetes and other related issues connected to obesity.
This guy's like the Weight Watchers anti-poster boy. We used to train MMA together, and he's my age. Part of our routines involved running and calisthenics, and we were on equal footing before the bloat. Anyway, he's given up exercise altogether, and when we meet, I am peppered with questions about how I  stay so fit.

Nobody ever likes my answer.  I eat clean and exercise daily. That's it. 
But...but Rob...what diet are you on? What pills do you take? Which Dr Oz supplement can you recommend? ANSWER: NONE OF THE ABOVE

I eat whole foods...lean meats, fresh fruits and veggies, nuts, whole grains and raw dairy. 
SIMPLE! And I train both cardio and strength daily. Nobody wants to hear that.

My aforementioned associate buys every gadget, pill, powder or belly toner that comes up but just keeps getting fatter. And when it comes to results, he's filled with excuses about how busy his life is, and then we talk about his favorite TV

No time...huh?

When it comes to our health, nature cares not for our rationalizations, platitudes or good intentions.
Nature just is...and we are without excuse. Our bodies are the one area of life where most can affect near total control, yet the average fatty will have a handy excuse list. Neither nature nor I am buying it.

Eat less...move more - simple deal.


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